

You Through


Mainlink Logo

Nairobi, Kenya

Old Mutual Building, 4th Flr, Room 434 +254 720 4000 30
+254 750 4000 30

Client:  ;Limitless Outdoors
Date:  ;August 2016
Director:  ;Robert Reriani

Find your Flow

Limitless’ story began when we needed quality and affordable bikes to hire on our trails in Kereita Forest. Our search pushed us to pursue bike models to fit the rental business, this drove us to fit top-range components on customized bicycle frames. With this newfound experience of what is required for quality multi-user bicycles, we set out to design our own.

Just like the feeling of getting your first bike, we are driven by our sense of childlike wonder to dream the improbable and go out and do it. Our goal is to get you moving and achieving your goals.

Go Limitless
Looking to make your mark? We'll help you turn
your project into a success story.

Ready to bring your ideas to life?
We're here to help